Medi-Globe GmbH
Medi-Globe GmbH
Медицински помагала кои се користат за:
- Едоскопија
- Пулмологија
- Урологија
- Интернамедицина
- Хирургија и ОРЛ
- За третман на рани и стоми
Медицински помагала класа I:
- biopsy forceps
- foreign body retrievers
- E.R.C.P. catheter
- stone extraction baskets
- stone extraction balloon
- mechanical lithotriptors and baskets,
- guide wires
- cytology brushes
- purshers
- nasal tubes
- inflation deflation systems
- inflation / deflation devices
- spray catheters
- guide wire
- guiding catheters
- dranage conecting tube
- bopsy valve
- handles
- bite bloc
- nasal tube
- polyp traps
- colon-decompression catheters / sets
- injection conector
Медицински помагала класа II:
- aspiration needle for bronchoscopy and gastroscopy,
- aspiration needle systems for bronchoscopy & gastroscopy,
- aspiration needle for ultrasound endoscopy,
- injection needles,
- fibrin needle,
- extraction bag,
- dilation ballon,
- nasal biliary dranages sets,
- stent introducer set,
- hot biopsy forceps, hight frequency handle for hot biopsy forceps,
- sphincterotomes, hight frequency handle for polypectomy snares,
- sphincterotomes,
- drainage / sets,
- endoprothesis/sets,
- pancreatic stents/sets,
- billiary stents/sets,
- glycogel wound dressing and catheter fixation system with glycogel wound dressing